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Seven survivors sunken kiribati ferry rescued, dozens, A fishing boat has picked up seven survivors from a ferry which sank off the pacific island nation of kiribati. authorities said six adults and a severely dehydrated 14-year-old were rescued after drifting for four days in the blazing sun without water. they scrambled aboard a small wooden dinghy as. Scoop - zealand news, Scoop provides up to the minute new zealand news. press releases, analysis, opinion pieces, all published the instant they are available. Scoop - zealand news, Scoop provides up to the minute new zealand news. press releases, analysis, opinion pieces, all published the instant they are available. Laser (dinghy) - wikipedia, The international laser class sailboat, called laser standard laser popular -design class small sailing dinghy. laser class rules boat sailed people, rarely sailed .. The International Laser Class sailboat, also called Laser Standard and the Laser One is a popular one-design class of small sailing dinghy.According to the Laser Class Rules the boat may be sailed by either one or two people, though it is rarely sailed by two. Other dinghy designs & plans - selway fisher home page, Rockland 11': dinghy developed skylark mk 2 series pram dinghies. dinghy retains flat, rockered bottom panel side panels bilge shape cold moulded strip planked moulds drawn full size.. ROCKLAND 11': This dinghy was developed from our Skylark Mk 2 series of pram dinghies. The dinghy retains the flat, rockered bottom panel and the side panels are round bilge in shape and are either cold moulded or strip planked over the moulds which are drawn full size. Storer boat plans wood plywood - wooden boat plans, Wooden boat plans amateur boatbuilders - excellent performance, simple construction, step step instructions australia, usa, uk, hungary, . africa. Wooden Boat Plans for Amateur Boatbuilders - Excellent Performance, Simple Construction, Step by Step Instructions Australia, USA, UK, Hungary, S. Africa
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